Document Management
Jogobu Document Management System implements a serial workflow feature for within our Digital Archive libraries. Jogobu Document Management system is useful for scenarios such as approval workflow, where an employee submits a document, and a business process needs to be able to route the document to each successive manager or other approving authority to manage the process transparently. By utilizing Jogobu Document Management system as a centralized document repository, the service can leverage the authentication and security services of Jogobu Products and Technologies as well as a configurable user environment for creating, reviewing and approving documents.
No direct interaction with the routed documents is necessary; the Routing Service for Jogobu Products and Technologies enables any document to be routed by means of a simple interface in the document library for that document. Once placed under routing control, new context menu choices are available for each document, allowing the user to submit the document for routing, approve or reject the document, and to delegate the approval task to a designated individual.
- When the document is submitted, information about its routing progress is stored in an SQL Server database, and an e-mail notification is sent to the first Approver on the route. This notification contains a link to the document so it can be conveniently reviewed.
- If the reviewer approves the document, that information is recorded in the database and a new e-mail notification is generated for the next reviewer on the list.
- If the reviewer rejects the document, the rejection is recorded in the database, a notification is sent to the submitter, and the route is closed.
- If a reviewer fails to take action to approve or reject a routed document within a designated timeout period, the document is automatically reassigned to a delegate, who is notified by e-mail.
- Finally, if all approvers listed on the routing configuration have approved the document, a set of customizable actions are available, including saving to the document into the archive and notifying a designated recipient that the document has been approved. The content of the final approval message can be specified when the routing is initially configured.